Samsung Galaxy S10 Emulator Skin Get Android Emulator skins Now your skin is used for the new virtual device you just created. Users/yourname/Library/Developer/Xamarin/android-sdk-macosx/platforms/android-28/skins/GalaxyS10. Enter the full path of the emulator, e.g. If not listed yet, click ‘Add Property’ and select ‘skin.path’.Set settings for the device, especially OS, Density, Height and Width. Create a new device in Tools -> Android Device Manager.Typically it’s something like /Users/yourname/Library/Developer/Xamarin/android-sdk-macosx You could find the SDK directory in Visual Studio at Tools -> Android SDK Manager -> Locations. You might want to keep it in the Android SDK directory somewhere. Extract the downloaded zip and copy the files to any directory you like.Here is a short description how to add them: Some vendors like Samsung provide skins for Android so you could use them in your emulator when building Xamarin Apps with Visual Studio for Mac.